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Your Checklist For First-Day of School

[ ] Physiological / Basics = School supplies

Get their school supplies.

Most major grocery stores in your school district will have a print-out of what your child needs for school.

For my daughter, having her first-day-of-school clothes was a must. The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree. I was exactly this way when I was her age except I wore a school uniform and I ironed my clothes all by myself at age 9 to get ready for the first day of school!

[ ] Safety / Logistics = Open House

Attend the Open House, but it's also okay if you don't make. I didn't make it to all of them and my children's school location didn't change. I think attending the Open House (just helps curb their enthusiasm or) decreases their anxiety.

Although this year, unlike other years starting at Kindergarten (and my son went to the same school 8 years before my daughter did), my daughter will find out whose class she'll be in for 4th grade during Open House.

[ ] Love / Belonging = Social Needs

The night before Open House, my daughter and her bestie got together to have their last summer sleepover.

This weekend we are going on our last road trip before school starts on Monday.

Shower your kids with lots of hugs and kisses as long as you can get away with it. There will come a time as they get older they won't want you to kiss them when others can see ("That embarrasses me, mom," is a common phrase you'll hear). Your love will be the wing beneath their wings.

[ ] Esteem = Confidence

Yes, it's a lot of busy work but as moms we know that all of this is the foundation for a confident child.

It's all worth it!

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The psychologist turned blogger

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